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]]>Dropped into a medical hospital that doubles as some sort of prison ward for some people, the main character Sarah, wakes up at the entrance and must make her way through the building. A main antagonist narrator/spooky voice in the dark pokes at Sarah as she finds clues to where she is and why she is there. The ambiance in the game is no doubt one that Zombie Studios has nailed. The eerie bumps in the night, the creepy distopic violin scratches and the screams of women that used to inhabit the facility all do an effective job of setting the mood.
The practice of the game, however, is nowhere near as scary as the ambiance would have you believe. The true scares come from the ambiance and the quick interactions of ceiling tiles falling, chairs bumping around and loud sounds interacting with the player. The main “ghosts” of the story that are supposed to be scary, and cause player death, actually come across more as a nuisance rather than a scary being. The experience is supposed to be replayable and can be finished in almost an hour. Every time the player restarts the game the halls are randomly rearranged and new clues are supposed to be dropped in to give the game a unique feel.
The main character essentially only has three tools at her disposal. When Sarah wakes up she finds a cell phone that acts as the map and illuminates the dark halls of Daylight. She can also pick up glow sticks and flares that are used to find clues and ward away the ghosts. The one problem I had with this tool set, because it does seem like a good tool set built for horror, is that there seems to be glow sticks and flares hidden everywhere. I understand that the developers want to make sure that the player gets through the game and sees all of the content, but limiting the resources of the player might have caused the ghosts to be a little scarier and less annoying if flares weren’t always readily available.
Daylight is one of the first Unreal Engine 4 games to hit the market. The unique thing the developers talked about before launch was the ability for the game to generate unique tile sets for rooms, halls, and environments so that every playthrough felt different. The reality of the situation is that every playthrough doesn’t however. Sure there map isn’t exactly the same, but similar rooms, similar hallways and word for word repeated store notes do not hold up over time. The repetitiveness is noticeable, and although things do change, it isn’t enough to keep things fresh. Making a replayable horror game just sounds like a mountain of a task, and Zombie Studios worked hard to make it happen I have no doubt, but the reused assets eventually do wear thin.
One thing that might give the game more replay ability is the twitch commands that go along with the PlayStation 4 version of the game. Players watching PS4 players of Daylight will have options in the chat to mess around with the player. They can do things like spawn a witch, make Sarah scream, flicker the light on her phone and many others by typing corresponding commands into the chat. This is an interesting addition to the game that makes interacting with a community more enjoyable and makes the game more interesting. People who love to stream may want to pick this game up just for the scares and interaction with a twitch community and that makes the game relevant moving forward.
The overall experience is one that is enjoyable, but multiple playthoughs without the Twitch experience leaves a flat undertone. Finding the same pages over and over again gets annoying to a point and the ghosts that are supposed to be haunting come across as an agitation. It’s no doubt that horror is a hard genre to develop for and there are a lot of really good ideas in Daylight, but in the end the game just feels lacking which is a darn shame.
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]]>The post Hero Look: Fract OSC appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>Hero Look is a new feature that I am starting where basically I am taking a look, doing a let’s play or checking out games that have come out recently. It’s going to be a little bit more informal than say some of our video reviews, and is just going to be more of a candid approach at checking out games. I don’t really have a time length in mind for this type of feature, but for the beginning I will basically just be playing as long as I want to until I feel it is a pretty good representation of the game.
The first Hero Look in the feature is a game called Fract OSC. I was intrigued by this game originally when I saw the release trailer earlier this month. The game is a mixture of puzzle elements with music sequencers or other music influences. By the end of the game it was enjoyable just to walk around and puzzle solve even if the puzzles took a while.
If you’d like to pick up Fract OSC for yourself it is out right now for PC on Steam for $14.99. It is currently on sale for 10% off for those people looking for a deal.
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]]>The post 8 Minutes of Watch Dogs Multiplayer appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>Ubisoft has just released a brand new trailer showing of Watch Dogs multiplayer and how it will work in the open world. The trailer is an 8 minute commentary on the different ways in which players will be able to interact with other players games.
In the trailer, there are three different ways shown to hack another players game. The first way will be the multiplayer that has been shown in the past. Players will be able to see a fellow “hacker” in the crowd and will initiate a hacking process. The hacker must than stay hidden for a time period to collect information. The player that is being hacked will have to find the hacker at all costs. The trailer shows how the player that is being hacked can interact with npc’s by firing a gun in the air to smoke out the player that won’t react with as much haste as the AI fleeing the scene.
One of the other game modes will be exclusively for mobile players. Using a tablet players will be able to control a police helicopter and use different environmental hacks to slow the progression of the console player trying to reach a destination. Hacking steam vents, traffic lights, dispatching police and having the city in the palm of their hand to stop the console player looks to be an interesting twist on mobile interaction with a console game.
The last mode showed off looks more like a traditional multiplayer mode of capture the flag. In a 4v4 match players will have to hold some kind of file system in their possession to hack and gather information. The first team to hold on to the file system for long enough wins. Players can use the whole city at their disposal to fight off an attacking team or to run away from attackers to get more room to hack.
There is still a lot to learn about the world of Watch Dogs, but until then, this is a great look at the multiplayer that will be available. Look for Watch Dogs on May 27th for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC.
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]]>The post GRID Autosport Announced appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>Codemasters has announced that a new GRID game is coming June 24th of this year and it will be called GRID Autosport. Codemasters, known for it’s work in a plethora of racing games including the GRID, DIRT and F1 racing titles. The new game will focus on different types of races and will put players on long run endurance races along side traditional track races and free for all street races. With multiple different types of races comes also multiple different types of cars. The game will feature Touring Cars, Endurance GT Cars, Open Wheel Modified Cars, Single-Seaters, Drift Cars, Hypercars and more.
From the sounds of the announcement, Codemasters is doing a lot more with the community of the Grid racing games to keep people interested and to shape the racing scene along with professionals at AUTOSPORT Magazine. Multiplayer races will have new challenges and new content every week from the community and in the RaceNet Racing clubs. These clubs are clan-style teams that players can join to compete against other groups. Other multiplayer modes will be available at launch including a Demolition Derby mode and split-screen local competition.
For the hardcore crowd on PC, GRID Autosport will be extremely scalable allowing for 4K texture packs while at the same time being optimized to run smoothly on more modest rigs. To make sure that the PC port runs well Codemasters has teamed up with people at Intel. There is even talk of Intel tablets being able to run the AAA console quality game on the size of a smaller tablet while suffering very little in the loss of quality.
GRID Autosport will be launching June 24th this year in the US on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on steam with nothing announced for the PS4 and Xbox One. To find out more on GRID, make sure to keep checking back to Gamers Heroes for all of your gaming news and adventures.
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]]>The post Fract OSC Out Today appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>In the world of homogenized brown shooters it is good to take a look at games that try to do something a little bit different. Out today is a game called Fract OSC. The game uses music sequencers as puzzle mechanics in a vast open world to be explored and marveled at. With music by Mogi Grumbles to go along with mixes of music that the player creates while solving puzzles the world of Fract OSC has at the very least a unique soundtrack and game mechanic.
This game really has a sense of mysteriousness and exploration to it. Hardly anything is explained to the player when first getting into the game. There is something so fascinating about walking around in a strange world, not knowing the rules or anything about the environment and just poking around. However, it is a puzzle game, so if figuring out things in a music world sounds awful to you stay clear.
The soundtrack just seems like something I would want to get lost in. If you feel like checking the game out, Fract OSC can be bought on Steam, the Humble Store or GOG. Also you can find the soundtrack on Spotify.
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]]>The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Alpha Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>Ubisoft, coming off the leaked screenshots of Assassin’s Creed Unity has released a brand new Assassin’s Creed Unity Alpha trailer. The trailer shows the first official next generation of Assassin’s Creed and gives us a little insight into what the new title will be about. From the looks of of the trailer the rumors that Assassin’s Creed Unity will take place in France pre-revolution looks to be quite reliable. At the end of the trailer you can see the iconic guillotine crashing down that was used during the time period as an execution device.
Another interesting note to pull out of the announcement trailer is that it seems that this next-gen version of the game has been in development for quite some time. In the announcement notes Ubisoft says that the game has been in development for 3 years. The most interesting thing about the trailer, however, is that it seems to be forced out specifically from the Neogaf leaks. In the release of the trailer Ubisoft blatently states the reason the trailers origins.
[quote style=’1′ cite=” title=”]We have been working on the new Assassin’s Creed for more than three years and although we weren’t quite ready to show you our full vision for a next-gen only AC, it seems Abstergo are trying to force our hand! – AssassinsCreedUK YouTube [/quote]What does this mean for the Assassin’s Creed story after 4? Is this just another time piece that the team at the fictional Ubisoft and Abstergo Entertainment is working on? Assassin’s Creed Unity will be rolling heads this holiday season and more news will be released in the upcoming months leading up to release. Keep checking back to Gamers Heroes for all your news, reviews and other gaming related content.
What did you think of the Assassin’s Creed Unity Alpha Trailer? Are you excited for a new Assassin’s Creed game specifically developed for next gen? Hit us up in the comments below.
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]]>The post Bravely Default Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>The game starts in a pretty stereotypical way. Tiz, a young man, walks with his brother and something terrible happens. Tiz then joins together with a rag tag bunch of heroes as they stumble their way through fighting enemies and clearing dungeons. Honestly, the story is pretty typical for anyone that has played a Square Enix or Final Fantasy RPG anytime since forever. All of the tropes, memory loss, giant crystals and a twist or two along the way are all there. But the weirdest part about the story how it doesn’t seem to feel too terrible even though these tropes have been used forever. Maybe because it’s been so long since a RPG wasn’t over the top with crazy convoluted crap that a good, old fashioned, save the day story felt fine. In fact, it almost felt good.
I say almost because there is still a few RPG tropes that felt less like coming home, and more like coming home to a pile of dog poop in the kitchen. When the story does fall, it falls hard. For example, going on a quest line to get one of the heroin’s a pretty dress so she can win the fashion show is not an appealing hour or more, especially when the payoff is less than rewarding. Also some of the scripting for the story seems, oddly adult in some areas to say the least. One of the side quests has you defeating a man that drugs women and takes them to his dungeon to steal their beauty. A weird, and almost offensive idea, to someone that understands the underlying context under.
So the story has some good and some bad, but all of that didn’t really matter too much because the meat of the game, the combat, is some of the best turn based combat I have played in quite some time. The brave and default system is an interesting one that feels good and makes turn based battles interesting again. When fighting players can choose to brave, which uses an extra turn right now for the trade off of having to wait the next turn, or defaulting which is basically blocking, but gives you an extra turn next time around as well as all of the stereotypical Final Fantasy attacks. These options give players a multitude of different options for approaching battles and changes the formula enough to make things interesting.
Another thing that changes battles quite a lot is the ability to mess with almost everything in the game when it comes to the frequency or agency in battles. Players have a slider where they can increase, or completely turn off random encounters. This gives players an option to grind in some areas or to run through others as quickly as they choose. There also is a fully automatic battle system that will just take the last commands and do the same attacks at every encounter. This again makes grinding much easier and much less painful unlike past RPG games that I hope gets incorporated into other titles.
One of the best parts about the combat system in Bravely Default is the Job system. Players assign each character in their party to fill certain jobs that are pretty similar to other Final Fantasy job systems in the past. White Mage heals, Black Mage does magic damage, Knights are heavy hitters with lots of defense and so on. The thing that makes the job system so interesting is there is actually a primary and secondary job. This rewards players for switching out jobs and mastering each job to expand the abilities characters can have.
There are a few interesting things that Square Enix has incorporated that can only be done on the 3DS. The 3D when in town has a beautiful painted world that will pull out if any time is spent not pressing buttons. Also the streetpass additions to the game are phenomenally addicting and will keep players checking their 3DS as often as they can. Streetpasses nets villagers in the main characters town that will be able to build shops for upgrades, weapons, armor and other special items. Bravely Default is about as perfectly built for the 3DS as any other Nintendo game is for the platform and this leads to a great overall experience for a person looking for a 3DS title.
For good or for bad, Bravely Default is an old fashioned RPG. The story can be hit and miss at the same time introducing fantastical and cringe worthy dialog. If you are looking for something to sink your teeth into for 80-100 hours this unabashedly Final Fantasy like game isn’t a bad way to do it.
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]]>The post Forza Motorsport 5 Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>Forza is at its best when it focuses on the cars. The level of detail on every single vehicle is astonishing. The Forzavista mode really highlights the detail to not only the outside of the car, but also the interior. The mode allows you to comb over every single inch of every car and has recorded dialog giving background information on every model. If you are even passively interested in cars this mode is a fascinating look into the motorsport world. Forzavista has been in past games, but this version with the expansive list of car backgrounds and updated graphics really advance the experience from the past titles.
Forza doesn’t only focus on detail in the visual department; it also takes a close eye to the mechanics of driving. Every car is like a puzzle to be unraveled. How is this car going to take corners? Should I have some extra assists on? These questions are different for practically every single car. The first time I fired up a supped up mustang and watched the back end playfully drift around corners and constantly lose traction from the power under the hood I was both terrified and delighted.
Racing in Forza 5 pretty much works exactly like it did in the past. The different levels of assists, the credits to unlock new cars and general racing habits all make a return from the past games. There is however one major difference that Forza 5 brings to the table. Everyone drives like an ass.
The new addition of drivatars is probably one of the most interesting, and worst named, features of the game. As you drive in Forza 5 the game will collect information about your driving habits. How you take a turn, how you pass and how closely you stay to the driving line. This is then interpreted and used as AI drivers for other peoples game with your gamertag attached to it. This leads to races that feel more like multiplayer races than anything else. The amount of people that are willing to cut corners, drive aggressively and stray away from the lines makes every race more interesting but might not be every player’s cup of tea. If you like clean races focusing on professional driving, this game might upset you every one in a while.
A nice thing to note is that the medal system is very forgiving for drivers. Depending on the race there is usually some wiggle room for new players to not necessarily come in first but still walk away with some decent experience. The medals, gold, silver and bronze are broken up into groups instead of just handed away to first place, second place and third. Drivers who come in between 1st and 3rd receive gold, 4th through 6th silver and 7th through 9th bronze. This makes the races more interesting and also puts less stress on the player removing the need to restart at the first corner just because you didn’t get it just right.
When I first saw the option for head tracking in the settings for Forza I started to get really excited. I figured the feature would be a great way to show off the effectiveness of the new Kinect 2.0. For the most part the feature is less of a head tracking feature and more of a body tracking feature. Leaning to the left and right will make the driver look through the driver and passenger side window. It is a fun little thing but overall doesn’t really do anything. There also was some issues every once in a while where the Kinect wouldn’t see movement correctly and would get stuck leaning one way. This always made me inadvertently crash and inevitably made me turn off a feature that could have been a step forward for the franchise.
The multiplayer also seems to be a little bit messy with the new system. Filling a full party of friends in Forza is somewhat annoying. There doesn’t seem to be quick ways to invite friends to the game and a lot of the multiplayer stuff seems to be hampered by the new Xbox One operating system. Launch games are always put at a disadvantage because of a new operating system and the wonkiness of Forza 5 is a perfect example of this. There also is no quick way to get into a race and races are split into a bunch of different categories. After playing multiple hours of Forza 5 multiplayer, I have still yet to have a race with a full roster of racers. Thankfully I would rather be playing single player with the drivatars anyways but I also feel like the multiplayer modes could be a letdown for some players.
Forza Motorsport 5 is by no means the pinnacle of video gaming. There are some issues with the new lighting effects, crowd sprites on the sidelines and drivatar aggressiveness but these mistakes are quite hilarious and almost charming to me. Tracks and cars from games past are missing and a little bit more variation would have been nice. But all of nitpicky stuff aside this is stills a fantastic game. The attention to details on the tracks and cars makes up for the omissions of days gone by and is a showcase for the new console generation.
Gamers Heroes’ honest game review of Forza Motorsport 5 was done on the Xbox One.
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]]>The post Super Mario 3D World Stamp Location Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.
]]>Anyone who has played any of the newer titles in the Mario franchises knows that there is always some kind of secret attached to collectibles in levels. The latest title in the Mario franchise features a hidden stamp in every level. This guide will go over all of the different hidden stamp locations in each level of Super Mario 3D World. If you have any troubles finding any of the stamps, or have found a stamp that we haven’t found yet, make sure to hit us up in the comments section. We will be adding stamps as we progress through the game so make sure to keep checking back!
World 1-1: Super Bell Hill Stamp:
The stamp in World 1-1 can be found directly after the checkpoint. Just north of where you hit the checkpoint there is a green pipe sticking out of the wall. Go inside the green pipe and it will lead to a room with a clear tube and a stamp. Take the clear tube to the top and grab the stamp.
World 1-2: Koopa Troopa Cave Stamp:
After some clear tubes you will be in an area that has a 3 bar coin bar. Jumping on top of the coin bar and heading to the right will reveal some more triple coin bars that will act as steps. After climbing up there will be a clear tube that you can go through to get to a secret area with some coins and the world stamp.
World 1-3: Mount Beanpole Stamp:
Probably one of the easiest stamps to find. About half way through the first section of the level there will be a gap in the wall. You can use Cat Mario to climb up the gap or wall jump back and forth between the walls to collect the stamp.
World 1-4: Pessie’s Plunging Falls:
About half way through the level there will be a winding section. You will have to chose whether or not you want to get all of the stars or the stamp for this level so it may take a couple of times through the level to collect everything. Make sure to slow down while going through the curve if you do choose to get the stamp, as you need to corner pretty hard after getting the stamp to stay alive.
World 1-5: Switch Scramble Circus:
Another easy stamp to collect, this stamp is at the end of the level directly before hitting the flag pole. Wall jump off the back wall to collect the stamp.
World 1-Castle: Bowser’s Highway Showdown Stamp:
Towards the beginning of the level there will be a section with 2 explosive soccer ball launchers and a square of grey blocks. Kick one of the soccer balls into the square of blocks to explode the bricks. The stamp will be waiting just behind the bricks.
World 2-1: Conkdor Canyon Stamp:
Before the end of the level the stamp will be sitting on a platform. I know it’s not really hidden, but I guess it should be listed either way.
World 2-2: Puffprod Peaks Stamp:
At the beginning of the level there will be a couple of platforms that you can touch on to raise to get to some coin blocks. Raise the second platform and drop down the now uncovered hole. Down the hole there will be stamp that can be collected.
World 2-3: Shadow-Play Alley Stamp:
During the shadow section of this world there will be a stamp that you can see under a giant Piranha Plant. You have to have some kind of power up to break the blocks below the Piranha Plant to collect this stamp like the Cat Suit. Break the blocks under the plant to snag the stamp.
World 2-4: Really Rolling Hills Stamp:
You have to be Mario to collect this stamp. At the beginning of the level towards the bottom there will be a switched marked M. Hit the switch with Mario to collect the stamp.
World 2-5: Double Cherry Pass Stamp:
You must have at least two clones to grab the stamp for this level. Directly after the checkpoint go to the top left corner of the screen which will have some question mark coin blocks. Put one clone below the farthest left block and one on top. Keep jumping and blocks will pop out giving you a tower up to the stamp.
World 2-Castle: Bowser’s Bullet Bill Brigade Stamp:
After making your way through most of the level you will be able to see the star on top of a tank and some metal grates. Break some of the boxes just in front of the grate and you will be able to climb up and collect the star.
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