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8 Minutes of Watch Dogs Multiplayer

Ubisoft has just released a brand new trailer showing of Watch Dogs multiplayer and how it will work in the open world. The trailer is an 8 minute commentary on the different ways in which players will be able to interact with other players games.

In the trailer, there are three different ways shown to hack another players game. The first way will be the multiplayer that has been shown in the past. Players will be able to see a fellow “hacker” in the crowd and will initiate a hacking process. The hacker must than stay hidden for a time period to collect information. The player that is being hacked will have to find the hacker at all costs. The trailer shows how the player that is being hacked can interact with npc’s by firing a gun in the air to smoke out the player that won’t react with as much haste as the AI fleeing the scene.

One of the other game modes will be exclusively for mobile players. Using a tablet players will be able to control a police helicopter and use different environmental hacks to slow the progression of the console player trying to reach a destination. Hacking steam vents, traffic lights, dispatching police and having the city in the palm of their hand to stop the console player looks to be an interesting twist on mobile interaction with a console game.

The last mode showed off looks more like a traditional multiplayer mode of capture the flag. In a 4v4 match players will have to hold some kind of file system in their possession to hack and gather information. The first team to hold on to the file system for long enough wins. Players can use the whole city at their disposal to fight off an attacking team or to run away from attackers to get more room to hack.

There is still a lot to learn about the world of Watch Dogs, but until then, this is a great look at the multiplayer that will be available. Look for Watch Dogs on May 27th for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC.

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