Game GuidesGod Of War Ragnarok Guides
God Of War Ragnarok Fruits Of Industry Treasure Map Guide

A treasure map called Fruits of Industry can be found on Svartalfheim. This God Of War Ragnarok Fruits Of Industry Treasure Map Guide will tell you exactly where you can find the treasure map and also give you all the information you need to solve the puzzle so you can dig up the treasure and claim your reward.
Treasure Maps in God of War Ragnarok are unique items that can be found while you’re exploring the game world. Once you’ve obtained a Treasure Map you can investigate it from the Goals menu under Treasure Maps. It provides a single clue, usually an image of a location or object that you must find in order to solve the Treasure Map Puzzle.
God Of War Ragnarok Fruits Of Industry Treasure Map Guide
And that’s everything you need to find and solve the Fruits of Industry treasure map.
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Once Freya joins your team, she has access to two different types of arrows. This guide on How To Switch Freya To Sonic Arrows In God Of War Ragnarok will tell you how you can switch her arrow ammo type as a lot of the puzzles you can now complete involve mixing up attacks between her Sigils and her Sonic arrows.