
Suck My Controller: GTA V Cast

Suck My Controller is the Gamers Heroes Podcast where the Gamers Heroes staff sits down and talks about video games. This week the gang sits down and talks Grand Theft Auto V. Johnny Hurricane joins Captain Camper and Ryan McBride for a arguement of what is great and what maybe is not so great about the game. Later Ryan and Captain Camper argue about SteamOS and Steam Machines while Johnny remembers why he doesn’t come to most podcasts anymore. If you don’t want to use the player or the link below, here is a direct link that will get you to the audio.

If you ever want a backstage peek at what we talk about before or after the show make sure to listen to our outro with music this week by Blake Robinson. There is a wide variety of awesome video game music that can also be found at his sound cloud here. The remix of old music is pretty amazing so make sure to check out the site.

Some links to follow us at. Make sure you check out our facebook for contests!

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