Game GuidesHogwarts Legacy Guides

Where To Find Mandrake In Hogwarts Legacy

Mandrake is a rare ingredient you need for Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1. In this guide on Where To Find Mandrake In Hogwarts Legacy we’ll tell you of a location where you can find three Mandrake so that you’re able to complete the quest objective to use a Mandrake on multiple enemies.

I don’t really enjoy the alchemy and herbalist parts of the game so I’ve not ventured much into it. I have checked all of the shops and whatnot, I was unable to find Mandrake seeds or Mandrake plants anywhere but a single location in the Forbidden Forest. You do not need to be able to fly so you can get there relatively early, but the forest can be dangerous if you’re not a high enough level.

Where To Find Mandrake In Hogwarts Legacy

Where To Find Mandrake In Hogwarts Legacy
You can find three Mandrake at this location. There is a small house in the Forbidden Forest. You will fight some undead at the house. Just outside the house there is a large tree and a corpse nearby. The corpse has a note that explains he was attempting to take the Mandrake but died in the process.

The three here is more than enough to complete the objective, so grab the three Mandrake and make sure to only use them in a fight against multiple enemies, ideally in close proximity to one another.

Henrietta has another treasure map for you to find in Hogwarts Legacy. Check out this guide to find out How To Use Henrietta's Map To Find The Treasure. This way you can get some more loot and more cash.
Scattered around Hogwarts are treasure chests with a huge eyeball on it. This guide on How To Open Chests With An Eye In Hogwarts Legacy explains the unique method used to unlock these chests because as soon as you approach, the eye notices you and seals the chest shut, meaning you are unable to open it and get the loot inside.
Another Merlin Trial puzzle simply features a bunch of stone pillars. In this guide on How To Solve Merlin Trial Puzzle With Stone Pillars Like StoneHenge In Hogwarts Legacy we cover one type of Merlin Trial that has both either single stone pillars standing alone, or grouped up like Stonehenge.
The second trial in Hogwarts Legacy is for Charles Rookwood. Check out this guide to find out How To Complete Charles Rookwoods Trial In Hogwarts Legacy. This way you can move on with the game and get into the next season.

Blaine Smith

Blaine "Captain Camper" Smith is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Now operating under the guise of Editor-in-Chief (purely because we felt the position was needed for public relations purposes), he's tasked with a lot of the kind of jobs that would put you to sleep at your desk. When he's not catching some Zs, you'll likely find him arguing points he knows nothing about, playing the latest rogue-like he'll never complete, or breaking something on the website that never needed fixing. You can best reach him on Twitter
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