How To Solve Merlin Trials With Stone Pillars & Stone Orbs In Hogwarts Legacy

One of the more simpler Merlin Trial puzzles involves pillars and orbs. This guide on How To Solve Merlin Trials With Stone Pillars & Stone Orbs In Hogwarts Legacy will teach you how to solve this particular puzzle, and the solution works at any of the Merlin Trials with the same puzzle mechanics.
There are many Merlin Trial puzzles scattered around the world map in Hogwarts Legacy. While there are many variations, it’s finite. This means that there will be identical Merlin Trial challenges in multiple locations. As such, even if this location is not the same location you have for this puzzle in the game, the solution will always be the same. So as long as you’re looking at the same puzzle mechanics, such as the pillars, orbs, or cubes, you will be able to find the solution by watching another version of the same trial.
How To Solve Merlin Trials With Stone Pillars & Stone Orbs In Hogwarts Legacy
This is one of the easiest trials in terms of the solution but finishing some of them can be tricky. Use your wizard sense to locate nearby stone pillars that have the stone orbs on the top. They will light up blue. This is much easier if you have the upgrade to your wizard sense so it can scan further away. Once you have them on your screen, all you need to do is attack them with your basic attacks. This will destroy the orb on the top.
Once you have destroyed the orb atop each of the pillars, the Merlin Trial will complete and you will have solved the puzzle.