Far Cry Primal NewsNews

Far Cry Primal Gets 101 Trailer

Far Cry Primal - Gamers Heroes
Far Cry Primal – Gamers Heroes
With the release of Ubisoft’s prehistoric FPS Far Cry Primal in just a few weeks, the company has unveiled a new trailer for the game.

Dubbed “101,” this trailer gives a brief overview of the game in just five short minutes. In this trailer, players can discover all they need to know about Far Cry Primal’s weapons, Beast Master abilities and human foes.

Far Cry Primal – 101 Trailer

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 23, and on March 1 for the PC.

Source: Press Release

Casey Scheld

Drawn to the underground side of gaming, Casey helps the lesser known heroes of video games. If you’ve never heard of it, he’s mastered it.
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