The Third Street Saints are at it again with the recent release of Saints Row IV: Re-elected and Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell. This merry band of ne-er do wells has a certain edge to them, one that disregards the rules of both sanity and fashion. This week, Gamers Heroes takes a look at a cosplay of the Saints’ Kinzie Kensington.
Cosplay fanatic youronlydoll might be a little unsure as to what she should cosplay as next, but one thing is for certain: her Kinzie Kensigton cosplay is spot-on. She may see Kenzington as “a grumpy weird shut-in computer nerd,” but she also said that it is a dead ringer for her own persona. In these shots taken by Soul Fire Photography, you can really see that computer nerd in action.
You can find youronlydoll on DeviantArt here.
Do you enjoy a bit of gaming cosplay? Or maybe you’re passionate enough to do it full time. Drop me a line at casey@gamersheroes.com and we’ll feature some of your cosplay.