Geoff Keighley’s award ceremony “The Game Awards” has come and gone, giving gamers new tidbits of information about Zelda, Mario, No Man’s Sky, and more. However, the highly anticipated Fallout 4 failed to make its rumored appearance at the ceremony. As a consolation prize, Gamers Heroes takes a look at a spot-on cosplay from the world of Fallout: New Vegas.
KANA has been in the cosplay game for some time now. In fact, we featured her Tharja (Fire Emblem) cosplay not too long ago. With this particular outfit, she’s got the Pip-Boy 3000, a Rebar Club, and more. Even though these particular photos are old in her eyes, she recently wanted to give them some more love by re-uploading them to her DeviantArt page.
You can find KANA on DeviantArt here and on Facebook here.
Do you enjoy a bit of gaming cosplay? Or maybe you’re passionate enough to do it full time. Drop me a line at casey@gamersheroes.com and we’ll feature some of your cosplay.