The post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4 is filled with unexpected dangers at every turn but you can be prepared with some of the best guns in the game as we show you where to find the best weapons in Fallout 4.
There’s a huge variety of different weapons you can discover to bolster your arsenal but we’re highlighting the strongest and most impressive weapons we’ve found as we’ve journeyed through the wastelands of Fallout 4.
Where To Find The Best Guns In Fallout 4

This is arguably one of the most powerful shotguns you can find during your travels through the mid-teen levels in Fallout 4. You can pick it up for around 1,400 Caps from the store in Covenant.

One of the coolest looking swords in the entire Fallout 4 experience. This is another one you can grab from an NPC at Drumlin’s Diner South East of the Museum of Freedom. Be careful, when you arrive there’s a confrontation, make sure the woman survives if you want to buy the sword.

The legendary Fat Man returns in Fallout 4 and it’s as kickass as ever. There’s a few places you’ll find this scattered around the world but the earliest you can get it is from the Robotics Disposal Ground North East of Sanctuary.

Alright, so the Junk Jet doesn’t quite boast the level of exotic interest conjured by other weapons in Fallout 4 but the fact its ammo is limited by only the supply of your junk makes it one of the more unique weapons in the game.

Given to you after you complete The Brotherhood of Steel quest line by Paladin Danse, the Righteous Authority rifle may drop off a little towards the end but those powerful perks give it a secure place in any Fallout 4 players arsenal.

What better weapon to clear our the post-apocalyptic wastelands than one of otherworldly origins? The Alien Blaster Pistol is as deadly as it is mysterious. Check out our
Fallout 4 Alien Blaster Location Guide for details on how to add this to your arsenal.

That simple question that ever new Fallout player asks, what’s that gun inside the glass case in Vault 111? Well, now you have your answer. The Cryolator is one of the coolest guns in the game and is worthy of the Master Lockpicking skills you need to obtain it. See what I did there? Cool, gun, ice? Don’t worry, I’m here all night!

You can find Kremvh’s tooth at the bottom of the Dunwich Borers Mine. You will run into about 5 ghouls who come out of a hole in the ground and charge you, they are all named. The hole is filled with water and there is a little cave inside. Go down and take the cave to find this and a couple of mini nukes.

This pistol packs a mean punch and is the perfect opener to any combat situation. It’ll set you back about 1,500 Caps at the Weapon Merchant in Diamond City but if the simplicity of a quick-draw pistol peeks your fancy, you can’t go far wrong with Old Faithful

Consider the explosive damage of the Fat Man….And now double it. That’s right, the Big Boy is capable of firing two Mini-Nukes in a single blast, a sure-fire way to clear a horde of enemies regardless of their size. This explosive potential won’t come cheap however, it’ll cost you around 8,000 Caps from the Diamond City Weapon’s Merchant.

This deadly brawlers weapon is as powerful as it is unique. The perfect melee weapon for someone wanting to get up close and personal with their prey. There is one downside though, you’ve got to get through the devastatingly powerful Swan to loot this prize. He can be found at Swan’s Lake, North East of Diamond City and slightly North of the Combat Zone. You also come across this area during the Freedom Trail quest.

Arguably the most interesting weapon in the entire Fallout 4 experience. The Syringer allows you to stock it up with different medical syringes to inflict different status ailments on your foes. Check out the location below for where to find The Syringer.

The most intimidating melee weapon in the game, belonging to the legendary Grognak the Barbarian, this deadly axe is as rare as it is powerful. You can find it within Hubris Comics, next to the monkey as you enter in a glass case. It has a lock level of advanced.

Yup, it’s a literal freaking Cannon. You can get this by completing the quest on the U.S.S. Constitution and siding with the Robots over the raiders. Here is the ship on the map.

This is a Tommy Gun that shoots explosive bullets. You can buy it from a traveling Vendor that can be found at Bunker Hill.

Melee? Check. Rotating blades? Check. Crazy amounts of damage in a short period while your enemy is dismembered right in front of you? Check. The Curved Ripper isn’t all that rare but it’s one of the most satisfying weapons to use in Fallout 4. Check below for a rough location. I purchased it from a wandering vendor.

This powerful shotgun makes short work of any foes extremities and is the perfect tool to separate someone from a much needed limb. You can find it at the map location below just before entering the Captains Quarters.
We’re building this list as we progress through the game. Have you come across any awesome weapons we haven’t listed? Let us know in the comments below.
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