i.e: Buy order of 100 steel. Drop order in workshop. You now have 100 steel in any settlement connected to that workshop.
]]>Um, no. The internet did just fine before ads began popping up everywhere. The problem are corporations who force you to play sidebar ads, trick you to click on covert ads, or force you to watch a 30 second ad before a 5 second clip. The problem are corporatists and marketers who think itit’s ok to treat you like a dollar sign and have no respect for your privacy. Dont blame the people trying to avoid it.
]]>do you have wasteland workshop installed?
]]>No problem, My pleasure.
]]>Way to be part of the problem 😉 Ad-blocker is why advertisers and websites have to resort to more intrusive means to earn revenue.
]]>Ad-Blocker to the rescue 🙂