Where To Find Keys In Summoners War Chronicles

Keys are needed to open up lock boxes that you sometimes find in chests. Check out this guide to find out Where To Find Keys In Summoners War Chronicles. This way you can start opening up those chests you have in your inventory.
Where To Find Keys In Summoners War Chronicles
Keys have a small chance of dropping, so you will have to farm quite a bit. So far the only place I have found keys is in the chests you find in the world. These spawn randomly in all areas as you are exploring. Sometimes they will have a key icon above them as well making them easier to spot. The chests in dungeons don’t seem to drop them, at least they haven’t for me yet.
I’m not sure if they Key icon over the chest means it has a higher chance to get a key, or if it means there is a lock box inside. Either way you should open all the chests you can. The higher the lock box tier, the more keys you will need to open it up. If we find any other ways to get keys then we will update this guide. If you know a spot then leave a comment down below.
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