Kill The Vampire Spawn Or Release Them In Baldur’s Gate 3

After an epic battle with Cazador, you obtain his staff and get to decide the fate of the vampire spawn. In this guide on Kill The Vampire Spawn Or Release Them In Baldur’s Gate 3 we’ll explain what happens with both choice so you can decide what direction your story wants to go.
Kill The Vampire Spawn Or Release Them In Baldur’s Gate 3
If You Decide They’re Too Dangerous – They Need To Die
If the vampire spawn survived, they will question the decision. Astarion claims they are not like them. He then uses the staff and you watch as each of them explode. Astarion lets the other vampire spawn leave. When you speak with Astarion later, he appears to regret making this choice.
If You Decide Let’s Release Them. They Deserve The Same Chance You Got
If you decide to release them all, Astarion uses the staff to free all of the Vampire Spawn. This will break certain Oaths for the Paladin. You free the Vampire spawn and as you leave, you meet the Gur’s. They are initially upset that you have released the vampires, but seem more understanding once they realize the children were freed. We will update this if there are further consequences.
If You Choose Why Not Just Leave Them? They’re Not Out Responsibility
If the vampire spawn survived the battle, they will ask if you are being serious, they cannot be left there to die. Astarion will snap the staff in hand and wash his hands of everything. The vampire spawn will be stuck forever.