
Suck My Controller: Gears of War: Judgement, God of War: Ascension & Saint Patty’s Day

Tomb Raider, SimCity and Assassin's Creed IV CastSuck My Controller is our Gamers Heroes Podcast where we talk about this week in video games. This week we talk about Gears of War: Judgment and explain why people should care about it. After that we talk about God of War: Ascension and talk briefly about the violence and controversy around it. It’s the Saint Patty’s Day episode so grab yourself a drink of choice and listen to us chat the sh*t out of this week in video games. You can listen by clicking the player below, clicking the link below that or this direct download link.

gears of war judgement review

If you ever want a backstage peek at what we talk about before or after the show make sure to listen to our outro with music to celebrate the holiday this week by The Clancy Brothers.

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