Suck My Controller: Crysis 3, The PlayStation 4 Announcement & Trolls
Suck My Controller is the Gamers Heroes Podcast where we talk the living sh*t outta video games. This week we start our games conversation off with a little bit of Assassin’s Creed III, Fire Emblem and Crysis 3. We go over Crysis 3 extensively and break down what we think of the latest title from Crytek. In the news section we talk about the PlayStation 4 Announcement and why gamers should care about the next generation of video games. We finish off with some awesome questions from our regular podcast listeners. Check it out by using the player below, click on the link below that or direct download here.

Suck My Controller: Crysis 3, The PlayStation 4 Announcement & Trolls (MP3) – 50 MB |
(right click to save) |
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If you ever want a backstage peek at what we talk about before or after the show make sure to listen to our outro with music this week by Blake Robinson. There is a wide variety of awesome video game music that can also be found at his sound cloud here. The remix of old music is pretty amazing so make sure to check out the site.
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