Substories become available at different times of the game. Some are only available after completing specific chapters or certain parts of the main story. As such, we have arranged this Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide in a chapter by chapter fashion.

Head to the location marked above to start the first Substory. A distressed girl called Mai is in some trouble. Send the gentleman away and then you can go on a drink with her. During the evening she’ll ask you a few questions and ask you to drink. The second time she asks you to drink, I noticed a fizzing in the whisky, as if a tablet was dissolving. From there both Mai and the Barkeep seem very determined to get you to drink. I avoided doing so. Clear out the goons that come in to complete the Substory. At the end, if you choose not to spare them, you get told about a secret casino in the Ramon Shop. You get 100,000 Yen.

Head to the location marked on the image above. There is a Club Owner in the area that asks for your assistance protecting her club. You’ll have to clear out the goons, if you respond with “She’s my girlfriend” at the end, they swear never to return. You get an Italian Scarf as a reward and 5,000 Experience Points.
You get a Silver Briefcase as a reward. You have to wait until Chapter 6 for the next part. Head to the alleyway just East of Vincents bar. There’s a man there that has lost a Silver Briefcase. You get a Swiss Watch and 1,000 Experience Points.

In the alleyway marked above. A man will be on the floor searching for something. As you run past you will stand on his contact lenses. He will ask you to pay 200,000 Yen to purchase replacements. It’s a scam, so don’t pay him. He will retreat and you’ll learn he’s done this before. Keep an eye on your map throughout Chapter 4 at this location, as he will eventually returned. The map will be marked with a !. Once he returns head back and beat him down to complete the Substory. You get 20,000 Yen and 5,000 Experience Points.

There’s a Professional Brawler in the parking lot. He will challenge you to a fight for a 10,000 Yen purse. It’s not a difficult fight but after beating him once, you’ll have to challenge him again – along with several of his men. Take them all down and you’ll receive 30,000 Yen and 1,000 Experience Points.

Head to this location, just outside the Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street. Kazuma will find a card on the floor and a young boy will come over. Give him the card and he tells you to visit him at Club SEGA to learn to play the game. Head inside and speak with the kid to finish the Substory.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #53 – MesuKing: The Queen of Beetles. Speak with the kid in Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street and he will play you in a game of MesuKing. Pick your card and then make sure you pick the abilities in this order: Paper, Rock, Scissors. You’ll defeat your opponent easily.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #70 – Practice Match With The Professor. Speak with the kid in Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street and choose to battle someone else. It’s an easy battle, just choose Paper every time and you’ll defeat him.

Head inside Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street and head towards the Crane Game machine. This will start this Substory. He wants you to catch a White Bun-Chan in the Crane Game machine. You may need to speak with the Club SEGA employee to change the Crane Game prizes. You need to win one of the fat birds with a red hat, the smaller version. Win the prize, give it to the man and you get 10,000 Yen.
If you leave and return after a little while he will ask you to get him some more toys from the Crane Game. This time he wants the Woo family, which are three creatures that stand on two legs and one has a top hat and cane. They never spawned in the crane game at this Sega arcade location so you might have to go to the other one near the bowling alley. Get the purple, pink and blue one then return and you will get 30000 Yen.
Return again and this time he will want a Jumbo Chestnut, which is the biggest squirrel you can find in the claw machines. Your reward is 50000 Yen but the quest still isn’t complete. Head outside and save Sasaki

Head to this area. You’ll find a female in a blue dress. Run near her and you’ll begin this mission. A man will approach and ask for 10,000 Yen. Don’t pay him, beat him down. You get 20,000 Yen and 1,000 Experience Points.

In this area you’ll see a group of three guys. One of them is wearing a hooded jumper, another wears glasses. When you get close they’ll play out a scam that you injured one of them. Don’t pay the 10,000 Yen. You earn 5,000 Experience Points when you beat them down.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #17 – Bump And Scam. In the exact same area. Return after exploring other parts of the city and the same three guys will be walking in the same spot. This time they want 30,000 Yen. Once again, beat them down and they flee.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #18 – Bump and Scam: Revenge. In the exact same area. Return after exploring other parts of the city and this time five guys will be walking in the same spot. This time they want 1,000,000 Yen. Once again, beat them down and they flee. You get a Colorful Parasol and 15,000 Experience Points.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #19 – Bump and Scam: Three Strikes. In the exact same area. Return after exploring other parts of the city and this time they will want to walk with you. Walk with them for a while. Then beat them down again. You get 20,000 Experience Points.

In this area you’ll see a man down on all fours. Speak with him and he will try to fight you. Take him down and another group will show shortly after, dispatch that group and complete the Substory to get a Red Jewel and 5,00 Experience Points.

Head to this area and check the entrance to the toilets in the corner of the playground. The guy inside has run out of toilet roll. You can give him Pocket Tissues that you can get from citizens throughout the town or purchase from the general stores. After handing him the first packet, he’ll ask for two more and then another three. So you will need six total. You get a Stone of Enduring and 1,000 Experience Points.

Pocket Circuit Fighter returns! Head to the Pocket Circuit area and head inside. As you enter Pocket Circuit Fighter approaches you and asks that you find a replacement for him. Head inside and speak with Fighter to get your own Pocket Circuit Car. Do a practice race against Fighter. After that, you need to head to Club SEGA in Theater Square to proceed with the Substory.
You’ll need to win another Pocket Circuit Race but stock up on some new parts. The base car you got won’t be fast enough. You can get new parts at the Pocket Racer store by winning tournaments. Speak with Fighter to start off the tournaments.
After winning the race head to Stardust. Stand outside and look for the “Look” command that comes up. When asked choose “You don’t race anymore?”. Then return to the Pocket Racing Circuit to win another race, speak with Fighter and choose to race against him.
This is the loadout I used to beat him:

Then you have to beat Takuma. I used the following loadout:

You get Godspeed Motor MK II and 5,000 Experience Points

Head to the area above. There’s a restaurant owner outside arguing with a man that refuses to pay for his meal. The man flees, speak with the restaurant owner and then chase the man down the street. He stands inside the doorway of another store. He’ll continue to flee, follow again, we found him in Public Park 3. Beat him down and take him back to the restaurant owner to complete the Substory. You get a Toughness Infinity and 1,000 Experience Points.

Head to the area above and a man will pick pocket you. He will steal upwards of 50,000 Yen. You need to follow him to retrieve your money, look for the new ! on your map to trace his next location. When you arrive you will see several men wearing identical outfits. Speak with the one wearing glasses, a black/grey suit and a brown overcoat. Beat him down and you’ll get 70,000 Yen.

Head to the area above and you’ll see an old man standing on the side of the street. Speak with him and you’ll learn he’s looking for his son. Respond as if you are his son and he’ll ask you to meet at his place. Head to the kids park next to the Pocket Circuit racing place, speak to the homeless guy on the bench. After that head to the far East of the map at the Champion’s District. Speak to the old man before heading to West Park. Beat the punk kids down and return to the old man. You get a Photo, Sacrifice Stone and 2,000 Experience Points.

Walk in this area and you’ll see a large guy wearing a leather jacket. You can either pay him 10,000 Yen to pass or beat him down. Obvious choice. Beat him and you get Leech Gloves and 5,000 Experience Points.

I got this shortly after completing Substory #38 – Pick Pocket Pursuit and Substory #12 – The Toll Collector. I received a phone call from a withheld number asking me to pay 240,000 Yen debt payment. I refused. Head to the very North East corner of the map, you’ll find a man wearing a suit. Once you beat him in a fight you’ll get a Sakura Storm sword and 5,000 Experience Points.

Head to this location and a man will attack you. Beat him down and he will ask you to teach him the ways of the Yakuza. Agree to take him on as your minion. You’ll then need to follow him to the Champion District. He will tell you that he’s found a bar that needs protection. Head inside and speak with the owner. You’ll learn the Shimano Family is involved – take them out. You get Gold Champagne and 2,000 Experience Points. That ends this Substory.

Head to this location and speak with the young girl carrying the basket of matches. You’ll go to a park to chat. After the chat, return to her original location to continue the Substory. When she runs off to the bathroom, try to sell the matches for her. You can also buy a pack and light a cigarette with them to help sell them. You will find her in Public Park 3 next time, sitting on a bench. Talk to her and you will finish this substory and get some Celebrity Perfume.

Bumping into a woman in a gray coat here will trigger the event. She well tell you she lost her bag near the Theater District. Go over there and there are two school girls chatting about the bag. They will tell you they saw him go towards the Champion District. When you get over there, check the back corner for a man to talk with. He will tell you to go to Public Park 3 and there you will get a fight. Return to the woman with the bag and you will beat the quest and get 10000 yen.

Talk to the woman here and agree to hang out with her. Tell her to lead the way and you will be in for a surprise. You will have two fights after this and when you win you will get a black belt for your trouble.

I was just walking by after Karaoke and this guy stopped me. Tell him you will hear him out to start the quest. This is clearly a scam so tell them you won’t buy the stone from them. This will start a fight and one of the guys will come out and say it wasn’t his fault. Head to the front of Smile Burger and talk to the palm reader again. Beat him down and you will get a Life Stone and 30000 Yen.

Agree to help the man and he will tell you to go talk to the woman in front of Theatre Square. Talk to the woman in the green puffy coat and tell her “You’re very sexy” and she will ask for the money. She will hand you a bag and all you have to do is return to the man down the street. You can choose to look inside the bag or not but looking in reveals that the bag is full of panties. If you do look inside he will know and he will give you 50000 Yen to not tell anyone.

Once inside the bowling alley, walk just past the girl at the desk. A man will approach you. He will challenge you to a bowling match. If you win, you get 30,000 Yen and 2,000 Experience Points.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #71 – First Rival. After some time, or maybe after you have collected more MesuKing Cards, return to the Professor MesuKing and select to challenge a new opponent. As before, you need to beat the opponent to complete the Substory. When I played I used Paper, Scissors and won. You get a card and 4,000 Experience Points.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #72 – Private Lesson. You need to speak with the Professor MesuKing again and ask for a new opponent. Her Scissor attack is deadly so go in with something heavy in the Rock attack. Defeat the boy and you get Super Romero Special Card and 8,000 Experience Points.

This is a direct follow-on from Substory #30 – The Yakuza’s Apprentice. He’ll tell you that he is heading towards the Hotel District. Head to the Hotel District and speak with Kano there. You get access to the Secret Casino (again), a Tauriner Maximum and 3,000 Experience Points.

This is a direct follow-on from Substory #31 -The Yakuzas Apprentice II. He will tell you that you need to collect a debt from Godspeed Yoko. Head to the ! to track her down. You will need to use Rush stance to knock her over. Repeat these steps, chasing her down and knocking her over until the end of the Substory. You get 100,000 Yen, Steel Knuckles and 4,000 Experience Points.

This is a direct follow-on from Substory #32 -The Yakuzas Apprentice III. Speak to Kano here and he will run off to Nakamichi Street, follow him there. Turns out the entire thing was a huge setup. You’ll need to take down a group of Yakuza. Spare his life and you get a Masterwork Dagger and 5,000 Experience Points.

Head to this area and look for the man sitting on the floor drinking. He wants you to buy him alcohol. I had some stupidly expensive Gold Champagne on me anyway, so I gave that to him. He gave me 10 Yen. Probably best if you give him something cheap to start. If you enter a nearby shop and then return, the Substory continues. Then he will ask for Scotch Whisky. I already had some on me, he gave me 500 Yen. Do it again and he asks for Medicine, I gave him a Toughness Z. You get an Alertness Hood and 5,000 Experience Points.

Head to this area and speak with the man in the suit. He will ask you to pay 10,000 Yen for training, pay it. They will ask you a series of questions, I answered with the following:
[list style='regular']
[list_item]My manly and beautiful physique [/list_item]
[list_item]I worked in debt collection[/list_item]
Leave the area and return later to continue the Substory. You’ll get a phone call from Sasazuka. Head to Millennium Tower and meet him there. You get 10,000 Yen and a reward based on the answers you gave, and 10,000 Experience Points.

This Substory is a long one. To unlock it you must visit JeweL on a regular basis, the Cabaret Club. A young hostess frequents the club, Yui. You need to keep engaging with Yui, eventually taking her on dates and such, until you reach Rank A affection with her. She will then send you a message to begin this Substory. Go on the date with Yui and finish the tasks to complete this Substory.

This is similar to the Substory #54 – A Goodbye Promise. You need to get your affection up with Rina, the hostess at the Shine cabaret club. Once you max your affection bar at top level A, you will receive a text message that starts this Substory. Head to the cafe to continue with this Substory, then proceed to Millennium Tower. Finish the bad guy off to complete the Substory.

Not 100% what starts this one. I drank a few beers at the bar. Beer 4, 1 and then 5. Left and came back in, the Substory was here. However, this is after spending 1-2 hours of drinking at the bar constantly. Basically, be a regular and nip in at night whenever you can. When you have the quest head to the hidden Casino. Once inside approach the man in the suit leaning against the wall. He wants a Goddess of Children Amulet, that you received for completing Substory 42. Give it to him and return to the bar to complete the Substory. You get 50,000 Yen and 5,000 Experience Points.
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 5

Head to this location at the start of Chapter 5 to find a dead body. Answer the call and then exit the alley to get another call. Follow the instructions and head to the bar to get the Locker Key from the woman there. Keep following the ! points on the map to progress until you reach the Batting Cage and defeat the assassin.
You get a Goddess of Children Amulet and 5,000 Experience Points. SAVE THE AMULET. You need it for a quest later.

In Chapter 5 head into the night club. Proceed through the doors to the 2nd room, the dance floor. And speak with the girl standing ahead of you next to the pillar. She’ll ask you about a bygone era. I chose the following responses:
[list style='regular']
[list_item]We waved 10,000 Yen Bills[/list_item]
[list_item]Leg Lads[/list_item]
[list_item]Bodycon Dresses and Fans[/list_item]
You now need to head all the way South to the Don Quijote store. Buy a Bodycon Dress and Isobe Fan. Return the items to the lady to complete the Substory. You get a Double Feather Fans and 15,000 Experience Points.
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 6

Head to this location at the start of Chapter 6. You’ll see a man in a suit running around the area. Speak with him and that will start this Substory. Beat him down and you get Locker Key J5. Head to the lockers to progress. Take down the clueless Yakuza. You get a Charismatic Photo and 30,000 Experience Points.

During Chapter 6 head to this location and you’ll come across a blonde woman talking to a man in shades. Choose to intervene, obviously. After the scuffle take Shinohara to the Korean BBQ joint. After he devours a cows worth of meat, head to Jewel next. Lastly, take Shinohara to the Underground Coliseum. Defeat Shinohara in the ring to complete this Substory. You unlock Shinohara in the Underground Arena and 15,000 Experience Points.

I was standing at this exact spot during Chapter 6 when I got a phone call that started this Substory. Head South East to the Asia Gentleman’s Club. Head inside, take down the assassin. Then head to Go Parlor on Park Boulevard. There’s a large fight inside, plenty of furniture, Beast Mode does the job. You get a Free Pass for Asia and 20,000 Experience Points.

Head here during Chapter 6 and you’ll see an old man looking up at a shop sign. Offer to help the man find the people spraying graffiti on his property. Head away for a while, you’ll notice a ! return on the map. Head back to find the culprit. Chase the boy down, take out the Yakuza, job done. Return to the cafe. You get 50,000 Yen and 30,000 Experience Points.

Head to Pink Alley during Chapter 6 and speak with the police officer there. After the brief introduction head to Nakamichi Street. Help find the officer and then take him down. You get 70,000 Yen and 35,000 Experience Points.

Head to this area in Chapter 6 and speak with the small child there. I gave the kid a Sushi Set that I had with me but any food item should do. After a while the kid moves to a new location at Public Park 3. You cannot progress with this Substory until Chapter 7, when the girl is walking around with you for the main story. Return to the Public Park 3. Run around Taihei Boulevard and you get a phone call telling you where to go. You need to take the boy to the doctors, which can be found 2 buildings West of Akaushimaru on Tenkaichi Street. You get 45,000 Experience Points.

Head to this area during Chapter 6 and take the training session. You get the ability and 1,000 Experience Points.

You need a Wooden Katana for this. You can purchase one at the Pawn Shop. Once you have one return and speak with Komaki. Complete the training to complete the Substory. You get increased Katana damage and 2,000 Experience Points.
[accordion_item title='Substory #61 - Komaki Style: Roundhouse Attack']

You need the Image of Asura from the Underground Arena. It costs 200 Points. Defeat all of the enemies within the time limit. You get the Roundhouse Attack and 3,000 Experience Points.

You need the Image of the Cat from the Underground Arena. It costs 400 Points. Complete the training to complete the Substory. You get the move and 4,000 Experience Points
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 7

Head to this area during Chapter 7 to help out B-King. Take out the Yakuza. You get a Brawler Amulet and 50,000 Experience Points

In Chapter 7, head up to this area and speak with the man standing near the two vending machines. Offer to help find the young guy. Head West over to Debolah. When you get there you learn that the B-Kings want a Tuna and Egg sandwich. You can buy one at the store just to the North, the M Store. Give him the sandwich and then head to the batting cages. Give Takashi the bowls and then return the ring. You get Gambler’s Binding and 50,000 Experience Points.

Head to this location during Chapter 7 and look for the injured man in front of the car. He needs you to get his medicine back. Head West to Theater Square. Speak with the two wearing Red Tracksuits. Take them down, get the bag and return to the injured man. You get 150,000 Yen and 50,000 Experience Points.

During Chapter 7, when you are walking with the little girl. Head to Bantam to start this Substory. Head to the Mahjong place and tell him the password “I came to take shelter from the rain”. Head inside and beat up the crook. You get 45,000 Experience Points.

During Chapter 7, when you are walking with the little girl. Head to the park near the Pocket Circuit building. You need to head to the nearby SEGA building and win a prize from the UFO Catcher. After that head to the Pocket Circuit building and speak with Fighter. Win the race and get the present. Head to the alley across from Public Park 3 and go to the machine and buy the magazine. Recommend the Limited Edition Golem Tiger. Head back after about 10 minutes and the girl will be there. You get Mew Shoes and 3,000 Experience Points.
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 8

Head inside the club at the start of Chapter 8 and try to use the door near the entrance. Then speak with Kazuki. Then speak with a couple of the girls in the club to learn the location of the party. Head off to Debolah. Once inside the club speak with everyone there to learn about the Guru. Take him out. You get a Tourmaline Bracelet and 50,000 Experience Points.

There’s a girl standing next to the water fountain in Purgatory during Chapter 8. Speak with her to begin this Substory. She’ll ask you a series of questions. Below are the responses I gave when she asked, I lost the competition so you may want to switch them out, especially the last one. You get a gift based on your performance (I got a Wild Shirt) and 50,000 Experience Points.
[list style='regular']
[list_item]Beat up punks on a daily basis[/list_item]
[list_item]I have no clue[/list_item]
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Snake from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Kamaitachi from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Dharma from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Fours Gods from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Elephant from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Tiger from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is available earlier if you get the Image of the Dragon from the Coliseum. Complete the training to complete the Substory. It’s with Komaki at the fountain in Purgatory.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #73 – As Long As There Is Love. This is another Substory from the MesuKing at Club SEGA Nakamichi Street. You need to collect a certain number of cards to unlock the Substory. Speak with the MesuKing and ask for a new opponent. Go to the other Arcade and speak with Tomohiro there. Your opponent uses mainly Scissor attacks. You get a Japanese Giant Mantis.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #74 – Time For A Raid. This is another Substory from the MesuKing at Club SEGA Nakamichi Street. You need to collect a certain number of cards to unlock the Substory. Speak with the MesuKing Professor to start this Substory. Beat the Cocky Kid that comes in. Used Rock, Scissors, Rock, Scissors, Scissors. You get Last Resort and 15,000 Experience Points.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #75 – The Professors Past. This is another MesuKing Substory but this one takes place at Club SEGA on Theater Square. Once you get there speak with the young girl by the door, Hime. I used Scissors, Scissors, Rock to win. You get Wasp King and 20,000 Experience Points.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #76 – The Professors Past 2. This is another Substory from the MesuKing at Club SEGA Nakamichi Street. You need to collect a certain number of cards to unlock the Substory. Battle Masashi. I used Paper, Scissors, Paper, Scissors to win. You get Tie Breaker and 25,000 Experience Points.
This is a direct follow on from Substory #77 – Enjoying It With Everyone. This is another Substory from the MesuKing at Club SEGA Nakamichi Street. You need to collect a certain number of cards to unlock the Substory. Speak to the Professor and choose Battle Seriously with the Professor. I used Scissors, Paper, Scissors to win. You get Hercules Beetle and 30,000 Experience Points.
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 10

At the start of Chapter 10. Head to this area to meet the Gangbusters. Take then down and then head East to the Southern entrance to the Champion District. Beat them down again here. After that, head to Theater Square and speak with Aoki and then head to South Showa Street. Last up head North to the Hotel District. You get 30,000 Yen and 50,000 Experience Points.

Head to this location in Chapter 10 and speak with the young lady standing on the corner. Beat the stalker and his Yakuza friend to complete the Substory. You get 30,000 Yen and 50,000 Experience Points.
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 11

Head to this area during Chapter 11, when you have the little girl with you. There’s a crowd of people standing around the building that’s under construction. You get 60,000 Experience Points for completing the Substory.
Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide – Chapter 13

Speak to the guy standing against the wall here in Chapter 13. Take him down and then head to the Underground Red Light District. Take down the guys there to complete the Substory. You get 35,000 Experience Points.

Head into the Red Light District at the start of Chapter 13. Head right to the end and you can enter to start this Substory. After you start head to the Champion District and speak with the Solicitor there. Clear out the enemies to complete the Substory. You get 50,000 Experience Points.

Head into the Red Light District again. This is a direct follow on from Substory #6 – The Fake Mizukis Truth. Get the Substory and then head to the Todo Building just North East of Theater Square. Clear out the Yakuza to complete the Substory. You get 59,200 Experience Points.
To get this Substory you must complete EVERY other Substory in the game and have fully maxed out the Dragon skill tree. Once you’ve done these, head to Theater Square and speak with the man there to battle a familiar, yet epic foe.