Majima Everywhere is a rewarding side-activity in Yakuza Kiwami. This Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide will tell you where to find Majima, what rewards you receive and other useful bits of information for tracking him down and taking him out. Once you reach Chapter 2, Majima appears and wants to fight. After the battle, which you cannot win, you are introduced to the Majima Everywhere activity. Throughout the story and after certain Substories, Majima will appear and challenge you. If you are able to defeat him, you are rewarded with further advancement in the Dragon of Dojima abilities tree.
Locations are not exact. While I found him in a specific spot in a certain chapter, he may be in another location for you. Typically, you are able to find him a certain number of times in each chapter and through Substories. Below is a list of the chapters you are able to battle Majima, where I found him and the rewards you get for taking him down.
We also list all of the different Majima encounters. These open up as you progress in rank. When you reach maximum level for your current Majima rank you’ll usually get a phone call or text message, opening up a special green objective on your map. Complete that to progress to the next rank.
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – General Encounters
These are just examples to give you a basic understanding of how the Majima mechanic works. The scripted encounters are listed further down the page.
Majima Everywhere Encounter 1
Location: Chapter 2, outside Gindaco Highball Tavern
Reward: Complete G Rank – Dragon Kick Reborn
Majima Everywhere Encounter 2
Location: Chapter 4, outside Millenium Tower
Note: You get a call at the start of this chapter. Purchase a weapon before meeting Majima or you won’t get to fight him.
Reward: Complete F Rank – Learned Essence Of Mad Dog: Dagger
Majima Everywhere Encounter 3
Location: Chapter 4, East side of the map. Champion District, the small alley that exits to the South.
Reward: Body Hook Reborn
Majima Everywhere Encounter 4
Location: Chapter 4, outside of the M Store in the North.
Reward: Charged Finisher
Majima Everywhere Encounter 5
Location: Chapter 4, outside of Debolah club in the West
Reward: Dragon’s Strength 1
Majima Everywhere Encounter 6
Location: Chapter 4, Outside Jewel club in Central North
Reward: Majima Everywhere XP
Majima Everywhere Encounter 7
Location: Chapter 4, Outside M Store in Central North
Reward: Majima Everywhere XP, Heat of the Dragon. Heat Actions in Dragon of Dojima unlocked.
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – Suddenly Majima

Majima can be found hidden inside trash cans. Check this spot for an example of the trash cans he hides inside. If the trash cans aren’t shaking, it’s not available yet. You need to be Rank D for this to work and have encountered Majima 2-3 times during Rank D.

Majima can be found hiding around the side of cars or buildings, like the car at the location above. I went into the club nearby at Rank D, when I exited he jumped me.

I found Majima here under a manhole cover but he may be under a different one for you. I’d just come out of the bowling alley and walked down here. Rank D, Chapter 4.

I was Rank B in Chapter 8. I exited the SEGA building on Theater Square and Majima jumped me from behind.
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – Dont Forget Majima

I was at the location marked above. I completed a Substory, The Drunkard. Shortly after, a thug told me I was ugly and started a fight. Majima joined in partway through.

Chapter 13 Rank A. A man in a leather jacket jumped me and wanted to rob me. Majima appeared during the fight.
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – Hidden Majima

Once you reach Rank E, look for cars that shake when you get near. Majima can be found in the trunk. You get Rising Sweep Reborn as a reward. This is where I found him but there are multiple vehicles you can check.
Randomly found in large traffic cones after chapter 10
Randomly found in manhole covers after chapter 10
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – Every Day Majima
Once you are Rank E head to the Smile Burger eatery. Order a burger and after you eat Majima will surprise you. Defeat him in a fight for more Majima Everywhere experience points

Head to Poppo on Tenkaichi Street at Rank D or above. Purchase a Beto Lunch Set and Beto Lunch Set (Pork) and Majima will turn up for a fight.

I was Rank C in Chapter 4. I went to the M Store and read a magazine. Majima popped up after I left the magazine rack and went outside. Beat him to pass this test.

During Chapter 5. After the bar Bacchus gets renamed to Bantam. I walked past and a guy begged me to go inside for a few drinks. Go inside and Majima is there. You can either fight him or pay 260,000 for the expensive drink and avoid the fight. You complete the objective either way.
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – Playtime Majima

I was Rank D in Chapter 4. I went into Vincent’s Bar, North near the park. I went to speak with the guy at the darts board but Majima interrupted. You have to beat him in a game of darts.

I was Rank D in Chapter 4. I went into Vincent’s Bar, North near the park. After Bullseye Majima, I left the pub and walked straight back in. Went to speak with the pool girl and Majima interrupted.

During Chapter 4, I was Rank C. Go into the bowling alley and speak with the lady behind the counter. Majima will appear from behind and want a bowling match.

Head to his location. I was Rank D in Chapter 4. There’s two guys here talking about a DVD, speak with them to learn that the DVD is called Passionate Manly Bathhouse Battle. Head to BEAM, the DVD store, and ask the clerk about the DVD and Majima will show up.
Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide – Rank Up Events
As you encounter Majima in general encounters you will build experience points. It goes from F Rank to A Rank. When you max the experience points at a certain rank you need to complete a Rank-Up Event before you’re able to progress further with Majima,
During the main story. You will be told to meet Majima outside Millennium Tower. Make sure you are holding a weapon or you will not be able to fight.
After you max Rank F you will get a phone call saying Majima is hiding in plain sight. You need to find traffic cones at the following locations:

You will get a text message asking you to meet up with a hostess at the Asia or Shine clubs. When you arrive, Majima is inside and you’ll need to beat him.
You’ll get a phone call telling you to meet Majima at Senryo Avenue. Head to the South East corner of the map and beat him there to progress to Rank C. You’ll have to defeat Zombie Majima, a few of his minions, Majima again and repeat.
At the start of Chapter 8 you will get a phone call informing you that Majima is at the Batting Cages. Go to the batting cages and play a single round and Majima will show up.
From Chapter 10 onwards. You will get a phone call asking if you can dance. You need to defeat Majima at Deborah to progress to Rank A.
If you have any additional information on the Majima’s we missed, please post a comment below.
Majima Everywhere is a rewarding side-activity in Yakuza Kiwami. This Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide will tell you where to find Majima, what rewards you receive and other useful bits of information for tracking him down and taking him out. Once you reach Chapter 2, Majima appears and wants to fight. After the battle, which …
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