Far Cry’s trademark crafting system returns in Far Cry Primal and if you want to keep your weapons in tip top shape and your village safe for all newcomers, you’ll want to find all the ingredients when you need them. This Far Cry Primal Ingredients And Skins Location Guide – Where To Find All Materials lists the tips and tricks to find the locations for all materials and items you can find in the game.
At the beginning of the game I wouldn’t suggest you spend too much time grinding for resources, unless you really need them. As you progress a lot of the very basic items and resources will be added to your Reward Stash on a daily basis. Here are a few notes to keep in mind when grinding and searching for certain materials. This information is available in game but we’ve included screenshots for some of the rarer items and this saves you having to return to the village every time.
For the animal skin locations we listed ones that are either available very early or are easy to reach. Remember, if you’re searching for rare animal skins they can take a little longer.
Far Cry Primal Materials And Skins Locations Guide
- Complete Saylas Hut Upgrade #2 as early as you can as this provides a lot of skins on a regular basis
- You cannot collect Rare Feathers until you complete the The Craft quest for Wogah.
- You must complete Sayla The Gathered quest before you can collect Rare North Yellow Leaves
- When hunting for animal skins remember the exact location of rare animals is impossible to predict. Search locations listed and if not found just fast travel between locations with the specific animal you’re looking for.
- Pay close attention to your map. The actual animal icons listed on the map change with the time of day
- Turn off the animation in options for the quickest way to gather items
- Build up your village population to get more daily goodies in the Reward Stash
- Don’t ignore your Gathering skills. This helps you get extra meat, animal fat, animal hides, plants, and more. Get all the skills!
- Take Bonfires and Camps as often as possible, this is a great way to bolster your daily rewards.
Weapon Resources Locations
Animal Fat can be found by skinning practically any animal in the game. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Located throughout Oros as a standing small tree. Plenty near the starting village. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Collecting stones and rocks returns Flint a lot of the time. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Found when skinning practically any animal. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Found when skinning larger animals. Generally Sabretooth and above, in terms of size. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Found in Bee Hives near bears. Killing members of other tribes also has a very good drop rate. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Only found on the bodies of enemies and in loot caches. Also very common in Reward Stash as you progress.
Food Locations
Found when skinning all animals. Also check the village for bags and hanging meat.
Found scattered throughout Oros.
Found scattered throughout Oros.
Found scattered throughout Oros.
Found scattered throughout South Oros.
Found scattered throughout Northern Oros.
Small chance to find when picking a North Yellow Leaf.
Found scattered throughout Oros.
Small chance to receive when gathering from any plant.
Village Resources Locations
Found in the Western area of Oros
Found in the Western area of Oros
Western area of Oros, near water. The larger the pool of water, the more Reeds.
Northern region in Oros, more common further North
Northern region of Oros, in the snowy area
Northern area of Oros, very common near water
Furthest areas South of Oros
Furthest areas South of Oros
Far Southern areas of Oros, very common near water
Animal Skin Locations
Check out more Far Cry Primal guides.
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