How To Disable Or Get Past Green Force Field Barriers In Star Wars Jedi Survivor

As you explore the game you will often find a green forcefield blocking your way. In this guide we explain How To Disable Or Get Past Green Forcefield Barriers In Star Wars Jedi Survivor as it’s one of the many metroidvania style travel restrictions that you will encounter on your journey throughout the game.
It’s worth noting that some gates that are blocked by the green forcefield can be opened in multiple ways. For example, one of the gates has two guards standing behind it and Cal can use his Jedi Mind Trick ability to force them to lower the forcefield long enough for him to pass. However, that is the exception to the rule rather than the rule itself. For nearly all other gates, you will need to unlock an ability and an item.
How To Disable Or Get Past Green Forcefield Barriers In Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Following the main story, about 15-18 hours into the game, depending on how much side content you complete, Cal will unlock the ability to dash. This ability is unlocked during the story sections that have you defending Jedha from the Empire. The dash allows Cal to dash between or at the end or beginning of jumps, greatly increasing the distance he can reach with a single jump attempt. This is the first part that is required to disable the green force fields.
The second part, also progress-based, happens towards the end of the story on Jedha. I don’t want to spoil anything but it happens during a scene where Cal is escaping the Empire alongside one of his friends. You’re given a special device that allows Cal to pass through the green forcefields