Game GuidesPokemon X & Y Guides

Pokemon X & Y Guide: Pokemon in Route 9 – Spikes Passage

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You gotta catch em all! This Pokemon X & Y Capture Guide will go over what Pokemon are available in Route 9 the Spikes Passage. You get to Route 9 by going Southeast from Ambrette Town. There aren’t very many Pokemon on the Spike Path, but there are a couple of items that can be grabbed as well as a flying battle on the far side of the area.

Pokemon Available in Route 9:


  • Hippopotas – Ground
  • Sandile – Dark/Ground
  • Helioptile – Electric/Normal

Make sure to keep checking back to Gamers Heroes for all of your Pokemon needs! If you find any Pokemon in this area that we didn’t find make sure to tell everyone about it in the comments. For more guides inclkuding different routes, gym guides and more hit up our Pokemon X & Y Guide Collection.

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