Where To Find Girls Or Ladies Clothes To Enter Gerudo Town In Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom

One of the Gerudo tells you men cannot enter Gerudo Town. In this guide we cover Where To Find Girls Or Ladies Clothes To Enter Gerudo Town In Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom because you don’t actually need to waste time or money finding different bits of armor, we’re not even sure that works, but there’s a quick, easy, and free way to enter.
We’re unsure if you can gain entry by dressing up as a female. For one, it would be quite dishonest and Link has a reputation with the Gerudo. Two, the only place that would likely sell all female clothing is the Gerudo, and the shops and town are off-limits until you complete the story here. As such, we believe this is just a bit of flavor for the story and the intention is to gain access another way.
Where To Find Girls Or Ladies Clothes To Enter Gerudo Town In Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom
There are two main ways to enter Gerudo Town. You can find an entrance to the sewers. In the sewers you will see floating bottles with notes inside, a Gerudo looking for love. Simply follow the small stream of water and bottles to the end and you will see a jar at the end of a piece of rope. Use your Ascend ability below the well to appear in Gerudo town above.
Alternatively, a quicker and easier way to gain access, is to simply find the throne room. It’s a huge room, highest part of the building, and impossible to miss. Behind the throne is a strange statue. You can use your powers to move the statue and then simply drop down into Gerudo Town below.