How To Make Money FAST In Hogwarts Legacy

Using a simple trick you can earn lots of cash in Hogwarts Legacy. This guide on How To Make Money FAST In Hogwarts Legacy explains a couple of methods you can use to farm Magical Beasts so you can be making thousands of gold in just 10 minutes.
Using this method requires one thing, you must have unlocked the Nab Sack. You unlock this through following the main story until Deek and Mrs Weasley inform you about the Room of Requirement. A few quests after that Deek will explain to you about capturing Magical Beasts. Once you have completed that quest, you can start earning tons of money real fast.
How To Make Money FAST In Hogwarts Legacy
You want to head to the Puffskein Den just South West of Hogsmead, just North East of the fast travel point at the Southern tip of the Forbidden Forest. Once here, approach the Puffskein slowly and gather them up. Make sure you change the difficulty in the settings menu to Story, this removes the mini-game required to catch the Puffskein’s and makes this much faster. Once you have caught them all, hop on your broom and travel a short distance South West to some ruins. Land. Open your map, follow the prompt in the button right to Wait. This changes the time of day.
Return to the Puffskein den and they would have all respawned. Rinse and repeat this process until your Nab Sack is full. Once it’s full, head to Hogsmead and go to the Brood and Peck shop. Here you can sell all of the Magical Beasts you’ve caught.