Remnant 2 Postulant’s Parlor Tic-Tac-Toe Style Puzzle

You have to play a chess-like game against an NPC to unlock a treasure. In this Remnant 2 Postulant’s Parlor Tic-Tac-Toe Style Puzzle guide we’ll tell you how you can beat the NPC so you can complete the objective and unlock the treasure for this puzzle.
This puzzle is quite strange as the NPC you are playing against doesn’t always make the same moves. It definitely seems to lean towards making the same moves the vast majority of the time but whilst writing this, I found several methods that work once but not so much again. However, I was eventually able to find a method that was more frequent, but not every time. Simply follow the move list below to complete this puzzle.
Remnant 2 Postulant’s Parlor Tic-Tac-Toe Style Puzzle
Using the method below will be enough to guarantee you win a match after a few tries. On the second move the NPC will sometimes move his top right piece into the center. If he does this, simply let him win and then start again. The puzzle always starts in the same way. As long as the NPC uses his bottom right piece on move 2, the rest of the game plays out the same nearly every single time.MOVE 1
You move your central piece to the top central spot
You move your bottom piece to the bottom left spot
You move your bottom piece to the left central spot
Move your top piece to the central spot to win
Even with the random variation of moves your opponent may take, this method has proved to work 90% of the time. So you shouldn’t have to repeat it more than once or twice.