What begins like any quest in Fallout 4 soon turns into a puzzling journey as players are tasked with following the Freedom Trail and completing the Road to Freedom. This Fallout 4 Freedom Trail Guide – Road To Freedom guide will get you through the quest and answer the puzzle at the end, on the Freedom Trail Ring, so you can move on.
Where Is The Freedom Trail
When you first get the quest following the objective marker to Swan Lake. Careful here as there’s a rather nasty boss that hides under the surface of the water, but he does drop a pretty
awesome weapon. You’ll notice a sign for the Freedom Trail and a welcome robot.
Check the floor directly next to the robot and you will see a circular marker with a red trail leading away from it. If you’ve been wondering where is the Freedom Trail, this is it. You need to follow the red trail through the city. Sometimes it vanishes under rubble and such but it’s not too difficult to track. Eventually you’ll reach a church. Go inside. Directly on your right as you enter you’ll see ramp with a white candle painted on the site. Go under the ramp and down stairs to the basement until you reach the Freedom Trail Ring
What Is The Password For The Freedom Trail Ring?
If you inspected all the circular floor markers on the way through the city, you should have some idea. What? You missed them? You and me both buddy. Luckily for you I retraced my steps so you don’t have too. You need to enter the correct password for The Freedom Trail Ring. The password is “RAILROAD”.
Fallout Far Harbor brings some new special weapons to the table. They are hidden through the Far Harbor area and finding them can be tricky. Check out this Fallout 4 Far Harbor Special Weapon Location Guide to help you find them all!
With the new Far Harbor DLC in Fallout 4 you will gain access to more shipments of materials. You will have to search for the vendors in order to find out what everyone has. This Fallout 4 Far Harbor Materiel Shipment Locations will help you find them all so you can get what you need!
During your play through of Far Harbor you will run into a quest called Visions in the Fog. This quest can be a little bit tricky to complete if you don't know where you are looking. Check out this Fallout 4 Far Harbor Visions In The Fog Guide.
Fallout 4 Far Harbor has five Islander's Almanacs to find in the new DLC area. This Almanacs give you different buffs and recipes that you can only find in the Far Harbor DLC. Come check out this Fallout 4 Far Harbor Islander's Almanac Location Guide to help you find them all!
In the new Automatron DLC for Fallout 4 you can get a new weapon called the Tesla Rifle. The Tesla rifle uses energy cells to shoot lighting out of the gun at enemies. Check out this guide to find out Where To Find The Tesla Rifle In Fallout 4 Automatron!
In the new Fallout 4 Automatron DLC you can upgrade Curie and Codsworth to make them stronger then ever. You will have to jump through a few hoops in order to unlock the ability to upgrade them. Check out this guide to find out How To Upgrade Curie And Codsworth In The Fallout 4 Automatron DLC!
Aluminum in Fallout 4 is used to upgrade and repair all forms of Power Armor at your base. You quickly blow through it after a couple of upgrade and a few repairs. This guide will let you know Where To Find Infinite Amounts Of Aluminum For Your Settlement In Fallout 4!
Early on in Fallout 4 you have the opportunity for a free extra Special Point. Using this trick, you can get max SPECIAL points and dupe any other items you want in the game. Check out this article to find out How To Get Max SPECIAL Points And Dupe Items In Fallout 4!
Fallout 4's Power Armor is a incredible weapon against your enemies of the wasteland but even the Power Armor has limits. This Fallout 4 guide will teach you how to repair your Power Armor so you can get back into the fight.
In Fallout 4 you can unlock Artillery Cannons for your settlements and use them to call in Artillery Strikes in the Commonwealth. This can be completely missed if you don't do the right chain of events. Check out this article to figure out How To Unlock Artillery And Artillery Strikes In Fallout 4.